Lamoni TimeBanking Neighbors Trade Skills
Gary Rees on January 30, 2025
Around Lamoni
(Pictured: "TimeBanking/Lamoni member Frank Finks displays the Helen Keller quote on the back of his t-shirt: 'Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much' which reflects the group's purpose.")
TimeBanking/Lamoni (tB/L), part of an international program, began in Lamoni in 2013. Even with 47 members who have exchanged 2,770 hours of service, it is the best kept secret in town!. Time banking is a system where all contributions are valued equally with one hour of work equating to one "time dollar." Participants earn time dollars by providing services to others and can use these earned time dollars to receive services from other members.
There is no cost to join, and anyone can become a member. New members receive five time banking hours at enrollment. Unlike money, where some work is valued higher than other work, an hour of service is always one hour credit regardless of the nature or the service performed. “You don’t have to be an expert to provide services,” tB/L chairperson Lorrie Long said. “Members have cleaned out gardens, provided graphic design, created artwork, given ideas on relocating furniture and decorating homes, baked cookies, exchanged food preparation, hauled, offered computer assistance, acted as drivers, pulled weeds, sewed and hemmed, and babysat cats.”
TimeBanking/Lamoni is affiliated with hOurworld, a time banking association with over 25,751 members in 192 communities globally. hOurworld provides access to this global network, as well as software for hour recording, interest group formation, and member communication.
TimeBanking/Lamoni meets the third Monday of the month at 5:30 pm at the Community Center or on Zoom. New members are welcome to join tB/L. To learn more, contact Lorrie Long at (641) 442-5160 or by email at or any timeBanking member. “Time banks focus on bringing people together with different skills to benefit each other,” Long said. “Join us!